Display Items

Display Items are listed in the lower half of the Sidebar Menu.

Metrics are grouped according to Display item.


Most of the metrics have multiple Views, which can be changed through the Configure Options menu. This menu can be accessed from a metric once it has been placed on a panel.


Click on the metric name in the table below to learn more about that metric.

Metrics and Available Views:

(Click a column header to sort by that column.)
Display Item Metric View
Member Agreements

Member Group

Membership Type

Pay Frequency

Pay Mode

Payment Plan

Payment Schedule

Agreement Queue

Renewal Type

Sales Person

Sale Type

Sale Type (Combine Convert / New)

Term in Months


Source / Location

Member Check Ins

Check In Type

Alert Type

Membership Type

Day of Week

Day of Month

Hour of Day

Member Prospects


Lead Priority

Sales Person

Zip Code

Issued Month

Days to Convert

City / State

Sales ABC Billing Total Collected by Club and Date
Sales POS Club Account

Profit Center Group

Profit Center


Receipt Number

Payment Method

Membership Type

Sales POS Income

Profit Center Group

Profit Center


Receipt Number

Payment Method

Membership Type

Sales POS Sales  
Sales POS Exceptions




Price Reductions

Sales Sales/Check In POS per Check In
Sales Recurring Services


Event Type

Recurring Type

Sales Top 10 Sale Items




Employee Schedule Event Schedule by Employee
Schedule Event Opportunities Sales Opportunity by Priority Level
Schedule Event Service Balance Events Uses Remaining by Member
Schedule Events



Schedule Problem Events Events Requiring Attention
Employees Commission Overrides

Sales Detail

Sales Summary

Event Detail

Event Summary

Employees Employees Schedule Event Schedule by Employee
Employees Employees on Clock

Employees Currently Clocked-In

Inventory Reorder Levels Stockable Inventory Count

Note: The Employee Schedule metric is listed twice, categorized under both Employees and Schedule.