Using the ABC Billing Metric

The ABC Billing metric can be used to see revenue collected for a specific date range by ABC. It should be differentiated from the Total Revenue Collected metric, which also displays revenue collected from POS and club accounts.


Setting up the ABC Billing metric:

  1. Click Sales in the Display Items section of the Sidebar Menu.
  2. Drag and drop ABC Billing onto the Dashboard.
  3. Hover the cursor over the ABC Billing metric title to display the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Configure Options.
  5. Select the clubs you wish to view by moving them from Available list to Selected using the multi-select list. See Multi-Select List.
  6. Select a date range or enter a custom date range. See Custom Date Range.
  7. Select a display. See ABC Billing metric displays.
  8. If you chose the pie chart or line graph display, select the columns you want to display using the multi-select list. See Multi-Select List.
  9. Click OK.



See: ABC Billing Metric for more information.