Metric Drop-Down Menu

The Metric Menu can be reached by clicking the name of the metric at the top of the panel.

This menu contains the following links:

  • Configure Options: The individual options that can be configured in the metric. See also Configuring Metrics.
  • Print: A printable PDF version of the data displayed in the metric.

  • Copy: Copies the data in the metric to the clipboard. It can be pasted into another program, such as Word.
  • Help: View the help documentation on this metric.
  • Refresh: Updates the display to account for incoming data. This is especially useful for metrics in which the data changes very frequently, such as Sales/Check Ins.
  • Close: Removes the metric from the panel. Be sure to save your settings before closing a metric by creating a Favorite. For more information, see Using Favorites and Saving Favorites.