Register for an Account

To register for a member account, you need the following information:

When registering, please contact your club if you receive notification that your email address is on the email blacklist.

To register an account:

  1. Visit
  2. Select the Register button.

  1. On the Link Agreement step, enter your Agreement Number, First Name, Last Name, and Zip/Postal Code, and then select Continue.

  1. On the Create Account step:
  1. Enter your Email Address, and then re-enter it to confirm.
  2. Create your username. The system will indicate if it is Too Short, Unavailable, or Available.
  3. Create your password. Password guidelines are listed below

Your password cannot contain the following symbols: Ampersand (&), Hash sign (#), or Percentage sign (%). These special characters are restricted.

  1. Select Register.

  1. When registration is complete, select Sign In to enter your new username and password.