Using the Recurring Services Metric


Setting up the Recurring Services metric:

  1. Click Sales in the Display Items section of the Sidebar Menu.
  2. Drag and drop Recurring Services onto the Dashboard.
  3. Hover the cursor over the Recurring Services metric title to display the drop-down menu.
  4. Click Configure Options.
  5. Select the clubs you wish to view by moving them from Available to Selected using the multi-select list. See Multi-Select List.
  6. If you want to display the Club number column, set Combine Clubs to No. Otherwise, select Yes.
  7. Select the Date.
  8. Select the View.
    • Service: lists information sorted by recurring service.
    • Event: lists information sorted by the associated event.
    • Recurring Type: lists information sorted by the type of recurring service.
      • Open Package
      • Open Monthly
      • Deferred Billing
      • Fixed Interval
      • Custom Interval
      • Paid in Full
    • Recurring Service Plan: lists information sorted by the recurring service plan.
  9. Choose to display active recurring services, inactive recurring services, or both (All).
  10. Choose to display active plans, inactive plans, or both (All).
    Note: Selecting Recurring Service Active: Yes and Plan Active: No will return no data.
  11. Select all the plans you want to display by using the multi-select list. See Multi-Select List.
  12. Select the columns you want to display by using the multi-select list.
    You can also re-order these columns. See Multi-Select List.
  13. Click OK.


New Agreement Count and Total Agreement Count

These columns are not selected by default.
To display them:

  1. Click Configure Options.
  2. Using the Columnoption multi-select list, move New Agreement Count and/or Total Agreement Count from Available to Selected.

  • New Agreement Count: The number of new recurring service agreements sold during the selected date range.
  • Total Agreement Count: The number of total agreements of this type.



Agreement Count Pop-up


The values listed in the New Agreement Count and Total Agreement Count columns can be clicked to open a detailed list of these agreements in a Recurring Services pop-up window.

This list, by default, is sorted alphabetically by the member's first name. Click the title of a column to sort by that column in ascending order. Click again to sort by descending order.


The Recurring Services pop-up lists the following information:

  • Club: The four-digit club number.
  • Member: The member's name.
  • Type: The type of recurring service.
  • Service: The name of the recurring service.
  • Event: The name of the event associated with the recurring service.
  • Level: The configured training level of the associated event.
  • Invoices Billed/Total: The number of invoices billed followed by the total of scheduled invoices. If the recurring type is Open Monthly or Open Package, the Total will be displayed as Open.
  • POS: If the agreement was sold through POS, a receipt number will be available. Click this receipt number to open the receipt.