RFC Preview

The list of members is a snapshot. Member detail will not change for future month runs.

Report Overview

The RFC Preview report is the most commonly-used report on the RFC tab. It shows you the accounts that have been selected for RFC but have not yet been sent to the collection agency.

The RFC Process runs once each month. Only dates before January 2015 will have the option of reports run twice a month.

The RFC selection process will run on the 16th of the month and you will have until the 26th of the month to reinstate any account. On the 26th, the SCA (Send to Collection) process will run and the accounts will be sent to a collection agency or club at that time. If you wish, you can contact ABC's client services department (888-622-6290) to remove one or more accounts from collection.

If the 26th falls on the weekend, you will have until the next business day to make changes.

Report Data

This report provides the total amount due as well as the remaining contract balance.

Report Groupings

While reviewing the accounts you may notice one or both of these report groupings:

  • 1st Payment Defaults: Accounts that went into default with their first payment due.
  • Other Defaults: Accounts defaulting after making at least one payment.

Report Columns

Here is some information on the rules determining how accounts appear in the columns:

Column Notes
Past Due Amt

The past due amounts on Open End accounts include the balance plus any payments due in the upcoming 30 days.

Current Due Amt

The Current Due Amt column shows the amount due for the past 30 days of services.

Total Due Amt

The Total Due Amt column combines the past due amount, current due amount, late fees, and service fees. It uses the following rules:

Pending Cancel Status: The Pending Cancel Amount

Open Ended Accounts: Past Due + Current Due + Late Fee + Service Fee Amounts

Term Accounts: Contract Balance


The full payment amount the club requires in order for a member to cancel the account.


Sample Report

Here is a sample of the RFC Preview report:

The Description column describes why credit card collections failed. This column does not provide descriptions for unsuccessful bank drafts.

Navigating The Report

When multiple clubs or multiple months are included in the report, the aggregate report will load first. You can then navigate to reports for a specific month or club. A sample of the report aggregated by club is displayed below.