DRDR Collections Variance Analysis

This report provides an analysis of data found in the Daily Revenue and Deposit Reconciliation report by comparing DRDR collections variance across any two dates, daily or month to date. Daily reports will compare the two dates selected to each other.

Parameters Page

You can set the following parameters to control data presented.

  1. Report Type - Select to compare on any two dates, daily or MTD.
  2. Compare (Date Range) - Choose the two dates you want to compare.

If you would like to run the report for more than 20 clubs, please send a request to your ABC representative including your parameters selections so they can open a Jira ticket with our team.

  1. Club Selection - Select one or multiple clubs.
  2. Report Format - Choose the format in which the report will be generated.

A sample parameters page is displayed below.

Report Overview

Each section of the Daily Revenue and Deposit Summary is translated into the first column of the DRDR Collections Variance Analysis summary report. Transactions and collections amounts are provided for each collection type (ABC Member Billing, Member Billing Collected at Club, etc.) by month and the Variance Analysis section displays variance between the two months selected.

Profit Center Detail

Variance amounts are formatted as hyperlinks leading to the profit center summary for a specific collection type or for all types if you select the grand total. A sample Profit Center Detail report including all collection types is displayed below.

Additional detail reports are available from the Profit Center Detail report. The last six columns include totals which are formatted as hyperlinks to allow access to transaction-level detail reports. The format of each detail report will be the same, but the data presented varies by column, as follows.

  • Variance Amount - Selecting a total from the Variance Amount column displays member accounts with varying amounts collected from one month to another.
  • In (Month 1) Not (Month 2) or In (Month 2) Not (Month 1) - These reports display transactions that occurred in one month but not the other.
  • Constant with Decrease - Transactions which were available to collect in both months, but the amount collected decreased from the former month to the latter month.
  • Constant with Increase - Transactions which were available to collect in both months, but the amount collected increased from the former month to the latter month.
  • Constant No Change - Transactions which were available to collect in both months, with constant collections amounts from the former month to the latter month.

Variance Detail

Detail reports show the amounts collected for each account in each month, with the final column displaying the variance amount between the two months. In the example below, you can see that negative variance amounts are shown first and are followed by positive variance amounts.

Automated Report

This report is available for automated delivery. The automated report provides month-to-date data in Excel format. The following options are available: 

  • The run type will default to MTD but daily is also available by request.
  • The collection method will default to all. You can request ABC Member Billing, Club Account ABC Collected, Club Account Club Collected, Member Billing Collected at Club, POS Income, and Third Party; one or multiple options may be selected.
  • All profit centers will be selected by default. Alternatively, you can specify one or more profit centers in your automated report request.

To receive the report via e-mail, please complete the automated report setup checklist and submit it to ABC on the ABC CRS Client Request Form. Click here for more information about automated reports.