Online Join Release Notes

Release Overview

Release Date: September 21, 2024  |  Version: 1.8.9

Change Summary:  In this release we removed the reCaptcha, resolved a Complete button issue, and implemented anti-caching.

reCaptcha Removal

Previously, some users were unable to complete the reCaptcha in Online Signup while using a tablet or iPad. We have removed the reCaptcha from both MYiCLUBonline and Online Signup to enable all users to complete the signup process.


Complete Button

Previously when a user completed the creation of an agreement and closed the confirmation pop-up, the Complete button remained active (clickable) for a few seconds while the user was redirected to the club page. Clicking the Complete button during that interval would cause more agreements to be created.

The following is an example of the Complete button at the end of the Online Join process.

This has been resolved. During the redirect interval after an agreement has been completed, the Complete button will be inactive and unclickable.



We have implemented anti-caching functionality to protect sensitive data. Online Join's cache-control header now has the value "no-store" to prevent the caching of the index file and to ensure fresh data.