
The Services tab offers the following views:

Some of these views have a Print Summary and/or Print Details button. To open a service summary PDF to print or download, click Print Summary.
To open a detailed service PDF, check the checkbox next to the service(s) you want to include or check the checkbox at the top to include all services, and click Print Details.

In all views, you can sort by any column in ascending or descending order by clicking it.


Purchase History

The Purchase History view shows services purchased by the member.

The listed results can be filtered by:

  • Member on the agreement
  • Status (Usable, Unusable, or All)
  • Service
  • Event
  • Date Range

Click Search to use your selected filters. The purchased event information will display in the bottom half of the Services tab. Some of the information can be clicked for more details, as described in the table below.

  Open Link
Service View or print the Service Usage Details, which can be printed
Purchase Date  
Receipt Number View or email the purchase receipt for the service
Expire Date Update the expiration date for this service
Purchased Change the Purchased quantity for the listed service
Unscheduled Click Deduct to open the Deduct Service dialog


Deduct Service

Click Deduct to open the Deduct Service dialog. The number of Remaining Visits will be displayed.

Select the following:

  • Department
  • Location Type
  • Employee (required)
  • Location (required)
  • Duration (required)

Click Update to deduct the service.


Usage History

Usage History can be filtered by member on the agreement.

The purchased event information will display in the bottom half of the Services tab. Some of the information can be clicked for more details, as described in the table below.

  Open Link
Usage Date  
Service View or print the Service Usage Details, which can be printed
Club (POS)  
Club (Used)  
Employee Assigned Open the Service Employee dialog to select a different employee
User Name  

Click Delete to remove a usage instance from the Usage History.

There is no confirmation dialog for deleting an item from the Usage History. Clicking Delete will immediately remove the item.



The member's recurring services can be filtered by member on the agreement and/or the service Status (Active, Inactive, Pending, Approved, Auto Disabled, or Rejected).


Click New Recurring Service to begin the Edit Recurring Service process, in which you can configure a recurring service for purchase by this member.


The following information will display in the bottom half of the Services tab:

  • Club
  • Service
  • Status
  • Package Quantity
  • Next Billing Date
  • Unit Price
  • Invoice Total
  • Document

Click the name of a listed service to open the Edit Recurring Service dialog.

Click View under Document to open the Service Agreement PDF for print or download.


Service Summary

The Service Summary view allows you to search for services purchased during a specified time frame. It can be filtered by member on the agreement, catalog item group, service, and date range of up to one year.

The selected months will be displayed as clickable tabs in the list below.

The following information will display in the bottom half of the Services tab:

  • Total services purchased
  • Total price of services purchased
  • Service name
  • Club
  • Purchase Date
  • Receipt Number
  • Price
  • Expire Date
  • Event
  • Level
  • Purchased
  • Unavailable
  • Scheduled
  • Available
  • Unscheduled
  • Type
  • Hold


Event Summary

The Event Summary view allows you to search for events purchased during a specified time frame. It can be filtered by member on the agreement, event name, event level, and date range of up to one year.

The selected months will be displayed as clickable tabs in the list below.

The following information will display in the bottom half of the Services tab:

  • Total services purchased
  • Total price of services purchased
  • Service name
  • Club
  • Purchase Date
  • Receipt Number
  • Price
  • Expire Date
  • Event
  • Level
  • Purchased
  • Unavailable
  • Scheduled
  • Available
  • Unscheduled
  • Type
  • Hold


Membership Type

The Membership Type view shows the services that were attached to the membership upon the sale. It can be filtered by member on the agreement.

The Service, Usage Count, and Clubs at which the service is offered will display in the bottom half of the Services tab. The icon indicates that the service is no longer associated with the member's membership type.

Click the Usage Count to open the Membership Type Service Usages dialog.

Click Delete to remove a usage instance.

There is no confirmation dialog for deleting an item from Membership Type Service Usages. Clicking Delete will immediately remove the item.