
This tab shows information on the member's agreement.


Agreement Image

Click Agreement Image to view this member's agreement PDF, which can be printed or downloaded.


Change Agreement

To renew, rewrite, or upgrade/downgrade this agreement, click Change Agreement. If the agreement is eligible for the selected change, the Electronic Agreement Entry dialog will open.


The Agreement tab is organized in the following sections:


This section shows the following:

  • Managed Type*
  • Agreement Term
  • Payment Frequency
  • Last Sync Date
  • Current Status
  • Status Reason
  • Status Date
  • Agreement Number*
  • Created Date
  • Conversion Date
  • Last Rewrite Date
  • Last Renewal Date
  • Auto Update Payment Info (yes/no)
  • Offered Alternate Billing (yes/no)

*The member's Managed Type, Agreement Number, and Auto Update Payment Info value can be changed by clicking Edit in this section.



This section shows the following details of this agreement:

  • Total Sale Price*
  • Sales Person*
  • Campaign*
  • Referred By*
  • Referred Members
  • Station Location
  • Agreement Misc text fields 1, 2, 3, and 4*

To list the members who this member has referred for membership, click the number displayed alongside Referred By.

*Click Edit to change any of these.


Down Payment

This section shows the down payment amount for the agreement.

Click Edit to change the down payment amount.



This section shows the following dates related to the agreement:

  • First Due Date
  • Sign Date*
  • Member Since Date*
  • Begin Date*
  • Expiration Date*

*Click Edit to change any of these.



This section shows the following:

  • Renewal Frequency
  • Renewal Type
  • Duration Months
  • Renewal Date
  • Cash Price
  • Statement Price
  • Draft Price

Click Edit to change the Renewal Frequency for this agreement.



If this agreement is associated with a master agreement, the master agreement member and number and the primary member and agreement number will be displayed here.

If no master agreement has been associated, the Set link will appear. Click Set to search for the member agreement to set as the master agreement.

If a master agreement association has been created, the cancel association icon will appear. Click this button to remove the master agreement and primary agreement.



This section shows any secondary members on this agreement.

Click a secondary member's name to open the Member Dashboard.

Click the replace icon to remove the secondary member and add a new secondary member.

Click Yes or No under Active to change the secondary member's active status.

Click Add Secondary to open the Add Secondary Member dialog.



This section shows any children on this agreement.

Click the child's name to open the Edit Child dialog.

Click Add to add a child to the agreement.