Alert Types and Response

Check In alerts notify you of important information about the member or the agreement. An alert may prompt you to get updated information or it may prevent the member from checking in. You can manage alerts from the Attended Check In page.

  • Problem - If the alert indicates a problem with the member's account such as an overdue payment or pending POS transaction, you may be able to click an amount link in the Member Details section to visit POS and allow the member to make a payment.
  • Need Information - For alerts such as Need Email, Need Birth Date, and Need Phone Number you can click the alert link and then enter the information provided by the member.
  • Custom Alert - You can delete custom alerts from the check in page after the member has received the information in the alert.

Acknowledging Alerts

If any alert that has been set to Acknowledge, when it is triggered a dialog box will open giving the user the option to Allow Entry or Deny Entry.

If you click Deny Entry, the photo of the denied member will appear in the Club Check In Pane encircled in red.


If the need for the alert has been fulfilled, the alert will be crossed out on the Attended Check In page.

See the Alert Types table below for the available action(s) when an alert is triggered.


Manage Alert Types Page

Alert Types can be viewed and edited (but not created or deleted) by navigating to Settings>Alerts>Alert Types.

A table with the following headings will be displayed.

ABC Code The code used by ABC to identify the alert type.
Text The text that will appear in Membership and Operations when the alert is triggered.
Sound The audio file to play with this alert is triggered. If you want the alert to be silent, select None.
Color The color of the alert text.
Level The alert type level:
  • Standard: When the alert is applicable, it will always be displayed.
  • Exclude Optional: Does not allow other alerts that have their level set to "Optional-show if not excluded" to be displayed when this alert is shown.
  • Optional - show if not excluded: Selecting this option will display this alert when applicable, only when there are no other alerts to be displayed.
Acknowledge (Yes/No) Setting this feature to Yes makes it necessary for a club employee to acknowledge that they have read the alert while in the Attended Mode. The employee must either allow or deny entry to a member with an alert that is set to Acknowledge.
If in Unattended Check In mode, anyone with an Acknowledge - Yes alert will automatically be denied entry to the facility.
Allow Door Access Whether to permit the member with this alert to check in.


Alert Types List

The following is a listing of alert types, their description, and the action to take when you see the alert.

On the Manage Alert Types page, alert types can be listed by their status by changing between Active and Inactive. Note that any alert type other than Return for Collection and Payment Overdue can be inactivated.

Since the alert type name (Text) can be changed, these are listed alphabetically by the ABC Code. You can click the table column name (in this case, ABC Code) to sort alphabetically by that column.

Alert Type ABC Code Agreement Level Description Action
Access Restriction Alert Y    
Agreement Credit Card Expired   The member's primary payment method has expired. Click the member's name on the Attended Check In page and provide the new information on the member's Billing tab.
Agreement Credit Card Expires in   The member's primary payment method will expire soon. This will be triggered within the number of days until expiry entered in this alert type as Number Days to Alert.  
Agreement Expires in   The member's agreement will expire within the number of days entered in this alert type as Number Days to Alert.  
Already Checked-In Alert Y The member already checked in within the number of hours entered in this alert type as Number Hours to Alert.  
Alternate Payment Credit Card Expired   The member's alternate payment method has expired. Click the member's name on the Attended Check In page and provide the new information on the member's Billing tab.
Alternative Payment Credit Card Expires in   The member's alternate payment method will expire in the number of day's entered in this alert type as Number Days to Alert.  
Alternate Payment Method Not Allowed   This alert only applies to members who had previously entered EFT information for alternate billing prior to a release in February 2016.  
Birthday Alert   Today is this member's birthday.  
Cancellation Pending POS   An attempt to cancel the member's agreement has been made but the cancellation transaction is still pending. Click CANCELLATION POS to view the pending transaction. Click the total to continue the transaction.
Club Account Credit Card Expired   The member's club account payment method has expired. Click the member's name on the Attended Check In page and provide the new information on the member's Billing tab.
Club Account Credit Card Expires in   The member's club account payment method will expire in the number of days entered in this alert type as Number Days to Alert.  
Club Account Overdue Alert   The member's club account payment is overdue. The transaction for the overdue payment can be completed by clicking the member's name, then POS at the top right of the screen.
If needed, select the payment for this transaction.
Club Pass Expired   The member's barcode was created outside the accepted barcode creation date range.  
EAE Pending POS   Payment for the member's agreement is pending. Click EAE PENDING POS to view the pending transaction. Click the total to continue the transaction.
Incomplete Agreement   The member's agreement has not been completed.  
Locker Expired   The member's locker has expired.  
Maximum Occupancy Reached Y This checkin brings the number of currently checked in members to maximum occupancy. This alert is triggered based on the Occupancy Control settings on the Edit Club page. It may be necessary to manually check out members by clicking Check Out next to the member's name on the Occupancy tab of the Attended Check In page.
Member Away Alert      
Member Message Alert   The member has a message.  
Membership Cancelled   The member's agreement has been cancelled.  
Membership Expired   The member's agreement has expired.  
Membership Freeze Y The member's agreement has been frozen.  
Minor Member   The member is of minor age.  
Need Address   There is no saved home address for the member. Click NEED ADDRESS and enter a home address for the member.
Need Birth Date   There is no saved date of birth for the member. Click NEED BIRTH DATE and enter a date of birth for the member.
Need Email   There is no saved email address for the member. Click NEED EMAIL and enter an email address or select None.
Need Phone Number   There is no saved phone number for this member.  
Need Photo   No photo has been saved for this member.  
Non-MEMBER   A primary member with a status of non-member has checked in.  
Payment Overdue Alert Y The member has an overdue payment. This alert cannot be inactivated.  
Pending Cancel   The member is in pending cancel status.  
PreSale Member   The member agreement was created when the club was in presale.  
Prospect Expires in Y A prospective member's expiration date is approaching.  
Prospective Member Alert   A prospect (prospective member) has checked in  
Recurring Service Pending POS   The member has a pending POS transaction for a recurring service.  
Return for Collection   The member's agreement is in Return for Collection status. This alert cannot be inactivated.  