Purchase Today Status

The Purchase Today column on the Manage Agreements page contains a link that indicates the status of the pending POS transaction for the agreement.

You can use the Purchase Today search field to filter the list of agreements by Purchase Today status.

A description of each Purchase Today status link is provided in the following table.

Status Description
Incomplete The agreement has not gone through the POS process; thus, a Pending POS transaction has not been generated.
Pre-Existing The agreement was started prior to the implementation of the EAE Pending POS enhancement.

Note: If you move the agreement back to the POS queue, or click Save & Pay or Finish & Pay, a Pending POS transaction may be generated.
Pending A Pending POS transaction was generated for the agreement, but no action has been performed on it. Clicking this status will present the following options:
  • Pay Pending POS - Loads the Pending POS transaction in POS.
  • Cancel Pending POS - Allows you to cancel the Pending POS transaction.
Paid A Pending POS transaction was generated for this agreement, and that transaction has been paid (this includes $0.00 transactions). Clicking the Paid link will open a pop-up dialog box with a copy of the receipt.

A Pending POS transaction was generated for this agreement, and that transaction has been cancelled. When you click the Cancelled link, a dialog box will appear displaying the employee, date, time, total dollar amount, and cancellation reason.

The Cancelled Pending POS Details dialog box will contain the following information:

  • Employee - The name of the employee who cancelled the transaction.
  • Date/Time - The date and time that the transaction was cancelled.
  • Total - The dollar amount of the cancelled transaction.
  • Reason - The reason entered for the cancellation. (For more information, see Cancel Pending POS Transaction Reason Codes.)
  • Comment - Any comments that were entered during the cancellation process.
  • Details - The items, quantity, and dollar amounts of the cancelled Pending POS transaction.
None The agreement does not have items associated with it; thus, a Pending POS transaction was not generated.

Concept Link IconSee Also