Opportunity Level Setups

In the Opportunity Level Setups section you can set opportunity levels. Opportunities increase as fewer sessions remain.

To set opportunity levels

  1. Select a Type from the list.
  • Count assigns an opportunity threshold based on the total number of sessions remaining in the member's package.
  • Percent assigns an opportunity threshold based on the percentage of sessions remaining in the member's package (percent excludes packages of 1).
  1. To activate an opportunity level, click the appropriate check box.
  2. For each active level, select an appropriate Value.

You can select a value from 1 to 100. The Value determines when events become opportunities based on the total number (count) or percentage of sessions remaining in the member's package.

  • Low indicates that the member has a large number of sessions remaining.

For example, if the member has a total of 12 sessions, the value for the Low level might be set at 10. An opportunity level with a value of 10 to 12 means that the possibility of selling more sessions to the member is minimal.

  • Medium indicates that the member has a partial number of sessions remaining.

For example, if the member has a total of 12 sessions, the value for the Medium level might be set at 6. An opportunity level with a value of 6 to 9 means that the possibility of selling more sessions to the member is somewhat better.

  • High indicates that the member only has few sessions remaining, so the opportunity to sell more sessions to the member.

For example, if the member has a total of 12 sessions, the value for the High level might be set at 3. An opportunity level with a value of 3 to 5 means that the possibility of selling more sessions to the member is good.

The colored dot associated with each level will appear on the event to indicate the opportunity level (green for Low, yellow for Medium, and red for High). The three levels are illustrated in the following example:
