Member Facing Workstation

You can set Member Facing Event Enroll as the default page for the member facing workstation and hide the DataTrak menus from view. You can also adjust workstation settings to determine how events are displayed on the page. For example, you can choose to only display classes for a specific location or you can display classes for all locations. You can select the event type to only display classes or appointments, or you can display all events.

To set up the member facing workstation

  1. Click Setup.
  2. In the Settings submenu, click Workstation.
  3. On the Edit Workstation page, set the Default Page to Member Facing Event Enroll.


  1. In the Member Facing Event Enroll section
  • Select the Location.
  • When you select a location, only events set at that location are displayed on the member facing event enrollment page.
  • To show events for all locations, select None.
  • To print a receipt, set Print Receipt to Yes.

A receipt printer must be attached to the workstation to print receipts.

  • To print a coupon, set Print Coupons to Yes.

A receipt printer must be attached to the workstation to print coupons.

  • Select the Default Display: All, Classes Only, Appointments Only.


  1. In the Menu Options section, select Yes in the Hide Member Facing Pages list.

When this option is set to Yes, the next time you log in to this workstation the DataTrak menus will be hidden. You must go to another workstation to use DataTrak.


  1. When finished, click Save.