Click a value listed in the New Agreement Count or Total Agreement Count column of the Recurring Services metric to see the following details:

  • Club: the club number associated with the agreement.
  • Member: The member's name
  • Type: The type of recurring service.
  • Service: The name of the recurring service that has been purchased.
    Click the name of the service to edit that service.
  • Event: The name of the event associated with the recurring service.
  • Level: The level of the event.
  • Invoices Billed/Total: The number of invoices that have been billed out of the total number of invoices.
  • POS: The receipt number for the transaction that includes the purchase of the listed service.
    Click this number to display the receipt.
    If a row displays as "Pending" in this column, click the link to open the unfinished transaction in POS.