Biometric Verification
DataTrak allows you to enable biometric verification. This requires the employee to verify his or her identity by using a fingerprint scanner before clocking in or clocking out.

To set up biometric verification:
- Open the Setup Menu.
- In the Settings submenu, select Clubs.
- Select the club.
- Select the Employee tab.
- In the Require Verification section, set Clock In and / or Clock Out to Yes.
- Click Save.
Verification will now be required for employees when they clock in or out.
Note: Employees who have the security role Skip Clock In/Out Verification - Perform will not require verification when clocking in or out.
This security role is located in the Employee section on the Edit Security Access Roles page.
Once verification has been set up, employees who do not have the security role Skip Clock In/Out Verification - Perform will be required to use the fingerprint scanner.
Employees who do have the Skip Clock In/Out Verification - Perform will have the option to skip verification when they clock in or out.
For employees who are required to enter verification, the type of verification that was used will appear on the employee's time sheet in the Clock In Verification and Clock Out Verification columns.
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