Create a Member Alert
You can create a member alert to send a message to a specific member. When the member checks in, the alert will appear on the Check In page.
See Also: Create an Alert for Multiple Members.
To create a member alert, you must first select a member.
To create a member alert
- Point to the main Menu.
- In the Check In submenu, click Alerts.
- On the Manage Alerts page, select a member.
- Click Create.
- On the Edit Member Alert page, type the alert message in the Text field.
Steps 6 - 11 are optional.
- Type additional information in the Notes box. If you include a note, an icon
will appear next to the alert on the check in page.
- Select a Sound. The sound will play when the member checks in.
- Select a text Color for the alert.
- Show One Time: This feature allows an alert to be shown only once on the member’s next check-in. The alert is automatically disabled after one time.
- Select an Expiration Date: The date the alert will automatically become inactive.
- Acknowledge: Setting this feature to Yes makes it necessary for a club employee to acknowledge that they have read the alert while in the Attended Mode. The employee must either allow or deny entry to a member with an alert that is set to Acknowledge.
If in Unattended Check In mode, anyone with an Acknowledge - Yes alert will automatically be denied entry to the facility.
- Indicate whether or not to Allow Door Access.
- Click Save.
Setting Door Access to No will physically lock the door.
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