Initial Invoices by Account

Report Overview

This report provides a breakdown of the projected amounts available to collect, grouped by profit center and categorized by the invoice age. It separates the accounts into account types (term, open, all) across the top. For each account type, the report lists the number and dollar value of the invoices. It also offers a total of all types for each row.

You can see the same information broken out by payment mode across the top columns in the Initial Invoices by Payment Mode report.

Data is available beginning January 1, 2015.


Account Ages

Each profit center on the report categorizes members by account age. The account age categories (in order of most likely to least likely to connect) are:

  • Current, Next 30 Days – Members that are current but have an invoice coming due in the next 30 days.
  • Current w/ Past Due – Members who have an invoice coming due in the next 30 days but also have one or more past due invoices. (The invoice due in the next 30 days will appear under this category. Other past due invoices will appear in the appropriate past due category, which is determined by the length of time the invoice is past due.)
  • Past Due 31-60 Days – Invoices past due 31-60 days.
  • Past Due 61-90 Days – Invoices past due 61-90 days.
  • Past Due 91-Up Days – Invoices past due 91 or more days.

If a member is 90 days past due they will appear in every bucket up to their most recently past due payment or the payment for the following month, stopping at Current w/Past Due. (The member will not appear in the Current Next 30 Days bucket as it contains ONLY members in good standing.)


Sample Report

Here is a sample of the Initial Invoices by Account report.

The previous month's Projection Percentage, located on the last line of the report, is found by using the following calculation:

The Total Current Projections Amount is provided in this report. You can find the Previous Month's Net Collections (Total Net Collected) in the Collections Variance Analysis report, located under the Billing tab.


Drill-Down Reports

The drill-down links in this report open detail reports showing the members included in each category, the number of invoices, and the total amount.

Here is a sample of a drill-down report.