Renewal Information

The Renewal Information section of the Online Business Center is provided to review and update renewal information for an account. Renewal Information is the collection of information that is used when an account expires to determine if and in what way that account renews.

The following is a list of renewal information options and their descriptions.

Option Description
Renew Type There are four options for Renew Types.
  • Non-Renewal Agreement - The account will not automatically renew and no renewal letter will be sent to the member.
  • Renewal Statement Program - A renewal letter will be sent to the member with renew options.
  • Auto-Renew to Term - The account will automatically renew with Terms.
  • Auto-Renew to Open - The account will automatically renew to Open-End.
First Due Date The first day a payment is due after renewal.
Number of Payments The Number of Payments is the total number of payments that will be scheduled at renewal. This is relevant only for Auto-renew to terms and Renewal Statement Program.
Coupon Amount The Coupon Amount is the amount of the payment at renewal if the account is on a Payment Mode of coupon.
Draft Amount The Draft Amount is the amount of the payment at renewal if the account is on a Payment Mode of either Credit Card or EFT.
Cash Amount The Cash Amount is the amount it will cost to renew the account with a one-time payment for the entire cost of membership.