Manage MYiCLUBonline Logins

You can now reset the MYiCLUBonline password for members if they are unable to do so themselves (for example, if they cannot remember the answer to their secret question).

To reset a member’s MYiCLUBonline password:

  1. In the Online Business Center, find the desired member or agreement.
  2. At the bottom or the member's Account Summary page, click the Manage MYiCLUBonline Logins link in the MYiCLUBonline section.

  1. On the MYiCLUBonline Logins page, click Reset Password to reset the corresponding member’s password.

The member’s password will be reset to their user ID.

  1. In MYiCLUBonline, the member will enter their username in both the Username and Password fields, and then click Sign In
  2. The member will then be prompted to change their password.
  3. Finally, the member will be prompted to log in with their new password.